Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 23 (23/365)

I have some plant clippings from a huge plant I have at work. I put them in water this summer and I just keep watering them. It amazes me that it's growing like wild! No dirt, just stuffed in a jar and watered when I think about it lol

All of a sudden, just today, I noticed how much it has grown! It is taking over the small corner shelf I have it on!

It is such a nice dash of color against my red Coke stand :)


Anonymous said...

Tammey You inspire me to make my pictures look better! I love how you girls are dedicated to doing this and I Love seeing what new pictures you take daily!!

Jo-Anne Price said...

I have a "black" thumb lol. I love plants, but just don't have a knack with them :0(.